The website is intended to complement the excellent newsletter compiled by Arthur Burke and to act as an additional contact point for our dispersed ex members of the Battery.

105th Battery have regular events happening throughout the year. Photos and information regarding previous events is also available. For more information click the link below...

If any ex-member of 105th Battery has an article, news, story, history, scanned photo, etc. relating to the activities of the Battery and would like to contribute it for the website then.

A collection of Books, References, Publications, and Forms relevant to the members and history of 105 Battery RAA, and the Association. From time to time, documents will be posted here, such as the Membership Application Form, Reunion Registration Form, Privacy Consent Form, and other event registration forms.
Latest News|
ACTION! ACTION! ACTION! book available now
RECENTLY DECEASED – Brian Angus, David “Hughie” Spark, Alan Johnston, Robert (Bob) Cunningham
2023 Reunion Photos
Tiger Rag Ed 63 (TR63) now released
Photo Gallery

Thanks to all our members that have contributed photos, it has allowed us to create a fantastic source of various images over the years.

This is a portal that will allow us all to share stories, information, news and everything else you can think of.